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The bronze bust of Charles E. TAYLOR

Speech of Mr. Kenneth MAC TIERNAN Director of AMTA (Aircraft Technicians Association) - Epau abbey, Sarthe, France, 11th July 2008

'Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank Mr. DENOUEIX and the Le Mans Sarthe Wright 2008 Centennial Committee for accepting this bronze bust of Charles E. TAYLOR, the WRIGHT brothers' mechanic.

Orville and Wilbur WRIGHT conquered mankind's challenge of powered, controlled flight in a heavier than air craft. It was Charles E. TAYLOR who provided this power. In doing so Mr. TAYLOR created a profession that has been followed by thousands of skilled professionals worldwide who are called Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and Technicians.

These Aircraft Maintenance Engineers are very much like Charles E. TAYLOR in that they are the epitome of professional, skilled craftmen. And none so much as the Engineers throughout France. For you see, French Aircraft Maintenace Engineers, like Charlie, never seek the limelight. They do not seek alkaloids or awards. No, these Engineers like Charles E. TAYLOR, simply accomplish the tasks put before them and then move onto the next task. They carry the heavy responsibilities of providing safe, airworthy aircraft throughout the French aviation community. Wheter the aircraft are military, civil, corporate, commercial, experimental or general aircraft their responsibilities are the same.

More than 100 years of aviation history have been written and throughout this time it is the professional AME that has almost been forgotten. But thanks to the Le Mans Sarthe Wright 2008 Centennial Committee, Charles E. TAYLOR and today's French Aircraft Maintenace Engineers are being recognized for being the 'Faces Behind Safety'. For this the Aircraft Maintenace Technicians Association is forever grateful.'



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