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International Space Station

The connection between ISS and Le Mans 24 Hour race circuit would be a technical challenge.

A French astronaut, ESA member, Leopold EYARTS, would leave earth in the space shuttle on early 2008 from Cap Canaveral with a special mission. He would bring two Le Mans Sarthe Wright 2008 Centennial short sleeves shirts (male and female models) with Centennial and Aero retro logos. He would have also a small WRIGHT FLYER replica to use it in low gravity during the starting of the Le Mans 24 Hour race, given with a French flag (already aboard ISS) from the sky and another flag...from the ground with other astronauts: Jean-Loup CHRETIEN (France), Mark BROWN (USA) and Vladimir TITOV (Russia).


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Partners Wright 2008
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Wright 2008 partenaires
setram aviat atam ESA Agence Spatiale EuropéenneOuest France Université du Maine ACO Rota Dairon MG Entreprises The Outer Banks of North Carolina naha souriau sarthe cci le mans crédit agricole