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When three Presidents put their hands in clay!

Mr. mark BROWN is the 1st astronaut who supplied his handprints to the Le Mans Sarthe Wright 2008 Centennial Committee. It was in october 2006 in Dayton, Ohio. Unfortunately the clay was not good enough and we didn't have enough experience too.
By chance Mark came to 2007 Paris Le Bourget Aero Show and we then could made another hand printing.
To be noticed the mutual hard work performed by Mr. Marc DENOUEIX (Centennial Committee) and Mr. françois CALVARIN (President of Souriau Group) to accomplish this job of great precision.
Mark BROWN is the astronaut of Dayton, Ohio, the city of origin of the brothers Wilbur and Orville WRIGHT. He made several space missions with NASA. he is presently President of MTC Technologies.


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Wright 2008 partenaires
setram aviat atam ESA Agence Spatiale EuropéenneOuest France Université du Maine ACO Rota Dairon MG Entreprises The Outer Banks of North Carolina naha souriau sarthe cci le mans crédit agricole