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They all came, they all were at the booth!

Once again an idea to create fun and pleasure: the reunion of descendents of pioneers.

And what dream to achieve than reunify on Centennial Committee booth (NAHA and Souriau Group) descendents of pioneers families like: WRIGHT, BLERIOT, DELAGRANGE, FARMAN, SANTOS-DUMONT, TISSANDIER, KAPFERER, BOLLEE, D'ESTOURNELLES DE CONSTANT, GASNIER, GASNIER DU FRESNE, GARROS,...

A great moment for all of them and all of us.


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Partners Wright 2008
Partenaires centenaire
Wright 2008 partenaires
setram aviat atam ESA Agence Spatiale EuropéenneOuest France Université du Maine ACO Rota Dairon MG Entreprises The Outer Banks of North Carolina naha souriau sarthe cci le mans crédit agricole