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Jacques LE GUILLARD, grand son of Paul d'ESTOURNELLES de CONSTANT

Mr. Jacques LE GUILLARD is the grand son of Baronet Paul d'ESTOURNELLES de CONSTANT, who was a proeminent French diplomat and senator of Sarthe or early twentieth century.
Strong partisan of international arbitration he is presented with the 1909 Peace Nobel Price.
Also President of Aviation Commission of the French Senate, d'ESTOURNELLES helped the French pioneers to come back onto the Issy les Moulineaux airfield in 1908.
He worked also - he is father in law of Leon BOLLEE - to get Auvours artillery camp authorization for Wilbur WRIGHT flying experimentations.

The Centennial Committee is very grateful to Mr. LE GUILLARD who replied to the invitation for this day of pioneers of 23rd June 2007.


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