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The 1st take-off of the WRIGHT brothers in Europe!

This photo taken at Hunaudieres horse track on 8th August 1908 at 6.25pm, was subect of long corssed researches before being found by Marc DENOUEIX in.....2005 at Wright State University Library of Dayton (Ohio, USA).

We have documents describing the 1st flight and stating that FLEURY - the cheuffeur of Hart O. BERG, the agent of the WRIGHT brothers for Europe - holds the right wing during the rolling on the rail and that Wilbur WRIGHT is worried about poossible hurt for him.

This take-off point is located exactly in the middle of Hunaudieres horse track but a little bit closer the south side of the track (on stand side) than on north side (the direction where the Flyer is fgoing on the photo).

The take-off is done toward the horse track width direction with the stands on the back. The reason ? The direction of the wind off course. That day the wind is blowing from north and Wilbur sets up the launching rail against the wind. There are some trees very close and it is sure for present witnesses - among them the French pioneers - that Wilbur WRIGHT won't be able to make a turn beofre the trees because of the too short distance. This is the very serious turn test for Wilbur WRIGHT that day....but success is there !

Wilbur WRIGHT makes a left turn. He would make in fact 2 and half turns if counting the 1st half-lap and the 2 complete orbes over the horse track with a duration of 1 minute and 45 seconds.


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