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Coulaines, sister city of Kitty Hawk, NC, USA

Mr. Christophe ROUILLON, Mayor of Coulaines city, Sarthe General Councellor and Vice-president of the French Association of Mayors (36,000 cities), before the entrance plaque of Coulaines city, in company of Mrs. DEWEY, Mrs. WRIGHT and Mr. gerard BOLLEE.

Coulaines, city of 8,000 citizens, is part of the urban community of Le Mans (Le Mans Metropolis) and is sister city, since Mai 2005, of Kitty hawk city, NC, USA. Kityt Hawk is the place where the WRIGHT brothers made all their experimentations from 1900 until 1903 then in Mai 1908 prior to come to Le Mans and Sarthe, France.


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setram aviat atam ESA Agence Spatiale EuropéenneOuest France Université du Maine ACO Rota Dairon MG Entreprises The Outer Banks of North Carolina naha souriau sarthe cci le mans crédit agricole